- For inquiries on the mainboard, please reflash the firmware before buying replacement. Your mainboard is all good as long as it shows Elegoo logo.
- for shorted mainboard, main connect harness cable - please choose the "Lower Half" option. It might cost more labor to strip the machine down than ship some extra parts.
- For inquiries on Z axis, lead screw, please use the "U Frame" option. The same reason above.
- for plastic parts, please print them on your own. Spool holders, monitor holders, R buckles, X/Y tensioner covers are made of plastic. Please print them and PLA is strong enough or use a zip tie. We uploaded some to Thingiverse:
Free STL files for Neptune 4 series cable holder, organizers:
Compatibility Guides for FDM fixup projects::
* touch screen controllers are interchangeable among ALL these 7 models (firmware reflahsing is required)
Neptune 3 Pro, 3 Plus, 3 Max, Neptune 4, 4 Pro, 4 Plus, 4 max
* main boards are interchangeable throughout the series:
Neptune 3 series: 3 Pro, 3 Plus, 3 Max - same main board (firmware reflahsing is required)
Neptune 4 series: 4, 4 Pro, 4 Plus, 4 max - same main board (firmware reflahsing is required)
* hotend assembly is interchangeable throughout the generations
Neptune 3 series: 3 Pro, 3 Plus, 3 Max - all same hotend
Neptune 4 series: 4, 4 Pro - same hotend
Neptune 4 Plus, 4 Max - same hotend (input shapping added - accelerometer)
- Lower half does not contain the PEI sheet, touch screen monitor, screen holder
- U Frame does not contain hotend, filament detector