About the founder

NV Liquidation LLC was founded in 2017 by entrepreneur Congrui Yu. Born in China and pursued his education in Ukraine, Congrui is trilingual in Chinese, Ukrainian, and English. He graduated in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Congrui came up with the idea for NV Liquidation LLC after multiple trips to the USA prior to Covid-19. He had started his own business selling on Amazon and witnessed firsthand the massive waste from returned and damaged products being discarded at Amazon warehouses.

Seeing how many usable goods were being trashed instead of repaired and resold inspired Congrui. He realized there had to be a better way to help Amazon sellers recoup losses while also reducing unnecessary waste.

After thorough research into Amazon's returns process, Congrui pioneered an innovative solution. He created a system for sellers to have returned and damaged products professionally repaired, restored, and resold through NV Liquidation LLC. This allowed sellers to recover costs sustainably.

In the early days, Congrui worked tirelessly overseeing repairs and operations hands-on. He persevered through challenges, driven by his passion for reducing waste. Congrui carefully built an expert team united behind his vision.

Today, Congrui leads NV Liquidation LLC as CEO, providing strategic direction and spearheading refurbishing initiatives. Under his leadership, NV Liquidation LLC has grown into an industry leader known for comprehensive services. However, Congrui stays involved daily, reviewing quality and connecting with staff. His pioneering vision has earned praise from thousands of satisfied customers.